Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a common surgical procedure where loose skin and fat are removed from the stomach area and the muscles of the abdomen are tightened. It is usually carried out on both men and women who have lost a lot of weight and have sagging skin.
It is also carried out on women who have had children and not been able to regain their former figures with regular diet and exercise. Some people choose to combine a tummy tuck with liposuction in order to smooth the contours of their body so it is more aesthetically pleasing.
World-Class Abdominoplaty Procedure
Abdominoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries carried out each year in the United States. It can, however, get very expensive because plastic surgeons are able to charge patients large amounts and there are also additional hospital and clinic fees.
This is on top of the cost of a tummy tuck. As a result of these increasing costs, more and more Americans are travelling to destinations such as Mexico for more affordable treatment. The cost of a tummy tuck in Mexico is significantly less than the cost of a tummy tuck in the US and this makes it particularly appealing to medical tourists.
During your initial consultation in Mexico, your plastic surgeon will have a detailed discussion with you and outline the procedure. He will explain all of the risks and side effects involved and make sure you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck. It is important that you follow all of his pre-operative instructions so that your tummy tuck preparation goes smoothly. He will also provide you with post-operative instructions so that your tummy tuck recovery is as quick and comfortable as it can be.
There are a variety of tummy tuck procedures available as well as a related treatment called abdominal etching. This is similar to a tummy tuck but differs in that it removes excess fat and skin without tightening the abdomen muscles. It basically defines existing muscles by sculpting grooves in the fat layers. Liposuction is also performed during abdominal etching.
Regardless of how hard you exercise or diet, your stomach area may not look the way you want it to. A tummy tuck can give you the flat, tight abdomen you have always wanted or used to have before childbirth and weight gain. A tummy tuck in Mexico combined with a holiday can not only help you save money on treatment but it can leave you feeling amazing. You will be relaxed and that much closer to your ideal body. Contact one of the clinics in Mexico to book a consultation today!
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