As with all plastic surgeries, there are a number of risks and side effects associated with breast reduction. While you are having a consultation with your plastic surgeon in Mexico, they will discuss these with you so that you are fully aware. It is also important to take note of what your options are should any complications occur while recovering from your breast reduction.
Risks and Side Effects of Breast Reduction During the Surgery
Reaction to anaesthesia
Blood clots
Damage to the nerves, blood vessels, muscles and lungs
Allergic reaction to the surgical instruments
Risks and Side Effects of Breast Reduction After the Surgery
Breasts may not be symmetrical and the nipples might not be at the same latitude
Loss of sensation in the nipple area (temporary or permanent)
You are unhappy with the results and desire a revision
Scarring and swelling
Bruising and pain
Skin discoloration or permanent pigment changes of your breasts and nipples
Fluid accumulation
Difficulty breast feeding
Fortunately, thousand s of women undergo breast reductions in Mexico every year without complications and they are very pleased with their results. Just keep in mind that surgery is not without its risks.
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