A facelift is type of cosmetic surgery that can correct signs of aging. It is very popular amongst people who feel young but are concerned that their faces look tired and old. Facelift surgery is also known as a rhytidectomy and it is a treatment available to those travelling to Mexico.
So that the facelift procedure goes smoothly, it is important that you consult with a plastic surgeon beforehand and understand everything that is involved. During your facelift preparation, your plastic surgeon will work out if you are a good candidate for a facelift. There are many different types of facelifts available and so you need to work out which one is best for you. Some are more extensive than others and thus more expensive. As a general rule, however, the cost of a facelift in Mexico is much more a affordable than in the United States.
The facelift procedure lasts 2-4 hours and is usually carried out in an outpatient clinic. You are not normally required to stay overnight but if you had the surgery under general anaesthetic, you may need to be monitored for a few hours afterwards. There are many facelift risks and side effects connected to the anaesthetic and not necessarily the facelift procedure itself.
The aim of a facelift is to make the patient look younger. This is done by tightening the facial muscles under the skin and also removing excess skin. The superficial muscles are accessed by incisions made around the face. Sometimes, liposuction is carried out during the facelift procedure in order to remove the fat from certain areas. So that there is minimal scarring, the incisions are stitched carefully after the facelift procedure and covered with surgical tape or bandages. Tubes may also be placed in the incisions so that excess fluid can drain away. These are removed a few days later.
Once you have recovered from your facelift, you will be able to see the amazing results. Gone are those wrinkles that made you look old and all that saggy skin that made you look tired. The contours of your face will be much more aesthetically pleasing and you will be satisfied that you look as young as you feel!
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